We want to produce the rams that are most profitable for our clients using the latest technology. The profits come from:
Fertility and ram vigour.
Worm resistance reduces the amount of worm drenching required: PWEC
Moderate birth weights for easy lambing and live lambs: Bwt
Eating quality – we have to pay attention to eating quality which can be measured genomically to produce an LEQ index. Abattoirs are beginning to measure intramuscular fat and eating quality: LEQ
The best growth to weaning and after weaning to 12 months: Wwt and PWwt
TCP and LEQ are indexes derived from the above measurements. The higher the index the better the ram: TCP and LEQ
Moderate fat: Pfat
Rams have to be structurally sound, good types and buyers proud to take them home.
Good muscling especially as the Dexa technology being installed in abattoirs will emphase lean meat yield: Pemd
LEFT: Hard Work: Trevor Pearce, Ian Sharrock and Ian Murphy on a cold morning doing the 200 day Lambplan measurements.